Wednesday, August 26, 2009

with great wisdom comes great...pain in the gum area

so i'm teething again. it's been a while actually and i'm not really accustomed to the sensation. but it's given me a bit more of an insight into why babies my gums hurt. i need a rusk.

tell you what, though, i wish real wisdom came as straightforwardly as teeth. i'd love to just wake up one day and have little wisdoms poking through the preverbial gums of my mind. but sadly, it's just not going to happen that way.

on a totally different note, i made a discovery! sovereign grace ministies are planting a church in sydney! check out the website

thats all for now, exam preparation calls.. jen out.

p.s. i hope you're all going to chandler on the coast tonight :D


  1. Re: Sov Grace church, that will be interesting to see. I wonder where they'll base it.

    William Taylor at Engage said something about being careful in regard to the Reformed Charismatic bandwagon... because we don't want to be embracing a theology which separates the Holy Spirit from the Word of God. It's all very interesting.

    If you have 10 minutes and you're feeling smart (there are long words!), watch this:

  2. thanks Jess, that was really helpful :) i'll be untertaking further research on the subject..
