Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a sinless fortress

as a recent event leaves me feeling angry and hurt, i am once again brought face to face with the reality of my pride. i so arrogantly believe that i have been wronged that wallowing in self pity seems like a justified action for me to take. i am able to push out of my mind all the times i have disobeyed God and caused pain to others, in order to focus on this one instance where my self-righteous feelings have been hurt. i crave for justice in this matter and foolishly forget about the much bigger justice that i deserve that has been graciously fulfilled in Jesus. How proud am i to be bitter in this one instance where i believe i am in the right and yet expect forgiveness for the multitude of times when i am wrong? 

so today, my prayer is that God will replace my proud and bitter heart with a humble and forgiving one. the conflict and failings we have as sinful humans are a stark contrast to the unchanging perfection of our great God. let us praise him for continuing to be good, when we so definately aren't.

i read psalm 59 this morning, and am reminded of what my attitude should be. 
 16 But I will sing of your strength,  
  in the morning I will sing of your love;  
  for you are my fortress,  
  my refuge in times of trouble.  

 17 O my Strength, I sing praise to you;  
  you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.

how reassuring that we serve a God who is strong, steadfast and unchanging :) jen out


  1. I saw you last week eating seafood!!!! Leviticus!!!! How could you disobey the bible so? Your punishment is to be stoned to death!!!

  2. Your Friendly neighbourhood SpidermanAugust 1, 2009 at 11:38 PM

    Evolution doesn't exist? Tell that to my wisdom teeth and appendix!
